Food for thought for heirs


It depends on the amount


Let's do the math: If values of 200 to 250 billion € are inherited annually, and a German cohort has approx. 750,000 individuals, then on average 300,000 € of the inherited estate is allotted to each German child. With theoretically even distribution, every German could inherit values in 300,000 € once in his/her life. This number has a specific meaning. Who will inherit or has inherited up to this amount can meet his neighbour who had less luck with the inheriting relatively calmly. He/she is not primarily responsible because the other person had been inheriting nothing or less. In this framework, there would be enough for everyone. But if someone has inherited more than this magic number, then there is a justification problem. Anyone who takes on an above-average inheritance should be aware that for this very reason, another person inevitably has to inherit less than average or nothing at all because otherwise, his or her above-average estate would not exist. The logicians call this a necessary condition. The one who accepts an inheritance that exceeds this magical number is personally (co-)responsible for depriving others of their share of Earth's limited but vital resources.

The justification


If the amount of a heritage exceeds the above measure, everyone who accepts it has an inner justification. Even those who are not aware of this. Figuratively speaking, the synapses are arranged in a long row in front of the brain's area where conscience and logic are at home. They reach out their hands and form a wall. To every searching thought that comes along, they call out: "Turn back, there is nothing here, there is no way!" This metaphor means that the person who justifies or defends him or herself locks off parts of his brain. But he/she urgently needs them to achieve his/her life goal of freedom. If his/her synopses are clever, he/she won't even know it. This is the real damnation that lies on those who cannot comply with a human, solidary dosage. No inheritance in the world is worth the price of spiritual freedom.

Our tips for you as a heir:


If you have inherited assets worth less than 300,000 €, then rejoice and make something good out of it. You are not obliged to anyone in the usage and management of these assets. You're committed to what you believe in. If you have inherited goods of higher value, share for the sake of fairness with those who otherwise inherit nothing. Thus you are promoting the development of others and equal opportunities in our country. Give up the undue advantage in your life for your self-respect and spiritual freedom. You can use the foundation to give assets directly to those young people who would otherwise not inherit anything without passing it through the state and without the paternalism associated with. Join us and start the world's first season of a general basic inheritance with us. This act of natural justice will not leave the world untouched.

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